WFIA RETRO | April 2021 News

Return to Work (RTW)

The single most powerful tool an employer has in controlling its workers’ compensation costs is immediately providing meaningful work.

APRIL TIP: Yes, you can have your injured worker return to a different position that fits within the physical capacities approved by the attending provider as long as this return-to-work position adds value (is meaningful) to your company.

Focus on Safety (FOS) –
Slips, Trips & Falls Prevention

How do you know if your floors are safe? Slip-and-fall injuries are one of the leading causes of time loss and serious injuries within the workplace. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the average hospital cost for a slip-and-fall injury is more than $30,000. Below are some resources to help solve your slip-and-fall problems.

ERNwest FOS Webinar Series – April Training

Each month ERNwest offers topical discussions about safety strategies unique to your industry. Download the 2021 Calendar of FOS Webinars as part of our available training and refer back to for updates and additions.

April 13, 2021 at 10am | Expect the Unexpected: DOSH Compliance & Inspections
April 15, 2021 at 10am | Solving Your Slip and Trip Problem in 5 Easy Steps

April 20, 2021 at 10am | Beyond Zero Injuries with Global Keynote Speaker Bill Sims

Are “zero injuries” the right safety goal, or is there one better to drive continuous improvement? Featured speaker Bill Sims will teach us what lies Beyond Zero and how this is the goal your culture must strive to achieve to survive and thrive in today’s business landscape.

Bill Sims is a global keynote speaker and author of the book, Green Beans & Ice Cream: The Remarkable Power of Positive Reinforcement. For more than 40 years, the Bill Sims Company has created behavior-based recognition programs that help large and small firms inspire better performance from employees and increase bottom line profits. More than 1,000 firms have benefited from consulting with Bill, including Dupont, Disney, Siemens VDO, Coca-Cola, and Ford.

Workers’ Comp is a Part of Doing Business

To preserve the integrity of your experience modification rating (EMR) and future workers’ comp premiums, you need to manage your workers’ comp claims like a business decision or investment.

We have all had one of those employees that either quits or is terminated from employment, then later files a claim with L&I for an alleged injury that occurred before their last day or on their last day of work. Unfortunately, these are allowable claims. You may find yourself wondering how to protect your business from these types of claims.

The simple answer is to offer Return to Work (RTW), regardless of the circumstances surrounding the employee’s current employment or how you feel about the employee as a person. If you refuse to accommodate modified duty, the only person that you are hurting is your business.

The employee will continue to receive time-loss benefits at your expense, causing you to pay more premium to L&I and possibly causing you to lose future business contracts because of a high EMR.

You need to protect your business from employees that try to take advantage of the system and your company by ALWAYS accommodating return-to-work. Don’t make emotional decisions. Make business decisions.

Questions? WFIA Group Manager: Julie Osterberg | 253-881-5669 |

Helpful Safety Information

April is Distracted Driving Month

In a typical day, more than 700 people are injured in distracted driving crashes. Talking on a cell phone, texting or programming an in-vehicle infotainment system diverts your attention away from driving. Take the pledge to drive distraction free by completing the pledge form

COVID-19 Safety Violations 

If you are like most employers, you are feeling some level of burnout from COVID-19 and all the new regulations that have been introduced over the past 12 months. There is a light at the end of the tunnel and a hope for returning to normalcy soon. However, employers need to remember to stay diligent with their workforce to provide all the required personal protective equipment, sanitation resources and enforce their use. Labor and Industries continually responds to employee complaints and referrals regarding lax safety and health activities related to COVID-19. As one employer found out, not enforcing the COVID-19 safety and health rules can result in steep fines. Learn more.

Upcoming Training

ERNwest presents topics such as Understanding Industrial Insurance Rates, What is Retro? and Using Kept on Salary and Modified Duty Effectively on a monthly basis. Select a topic for more information and to register.

April   1, 2021 at   2pm | What is Retro?
April   6, 2021 at 10am | Understanding Industrial Insurance
April 20, 2021 at 10am | Fundamentals of Claims Management
April 27, 2021 at 10am | Using Kept on Salary and Modified Duty Effectively

Find more training online at

Additional Retro Resources

WFIA Safety Resources

Access WHCA and general safety resources. Learn more.

Workplace incident or injury?
Contact ERNwest first.

Report incidents immediately so that your claims manager is aware and can help guide you through the process.


WFIA Retro Questions?
Julie Osterberg, WFIA Group Manager (253) 881-5669 |

WFIA Safety Questions?
Brent Olson, WFIA Safety Manager (253) 237-0803 |

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