Welcome GRIP Members
Participation Requirements
Reducing time loss by returning your employee to work after an injury is the single most important thing you can do to help control claim costs. As a reminder, upon enrollment in the program, your company committed to:
- Maintain a Kept-On-Salary (KOS) Policy, which shall keep each injured worker on full salary (100% wages) for at least thirty (30) weekdays (six weeks), immediately following the first date of written certification by the medical provider that the worker is unable to perform normal job duties.
- Provide light/modified duty work in all cases where an injured worker is unable to perform their normal job duties.
MBA Contacts
If you have any questions about the GRIP program or Retro, contact us.
MBA of King and Snohomish Counties
Kevin McDaniel, Product & Facilities Mgr
(425) 457-7066 | kmcdaniel@mbaks.com
MBA of Pierce County
Jessie Gamble,
Executive Officer
(253) 254-0083 | jgamble@mbapierce.com
Report an Incident
To get more information about incident reporting and to easily report an incident online.
ERNwest is Here to Help
GRIP has partnered with the state’s premier third-party Retro administrator, Employer Resources Northwest (ERNwest), to provide a wide range of member benefits that help your company stay safe, control workers’ compensation costs and manage claims so you can go back to doing what you do best.
More Information
GRIP Brochure
GRIP Retro Review
ERNwest Contacts
If you have any questions about the GRIP program or Retro, contact us.
For information about program requirements, Return to Work, SAW/GRIP Incentive:
Ashlee Day, GRIP Group Manager
(253) 237-0809 | aday@ernwest.com
To schedule a safety visit or get additional safety resources:
Michael Octave, VP of Safety & Loss Control
(253) 237-0812 | safety@ernwest.com
Program Benefits
Before Claims Happen
- Safety resources specific to construction
- Help with setting up your safety program
- Assessment of current performance and identification of cost-saving strategies
When Claims Happen
- Proactive claim management by experts in Washington workers’ compensation
- Dedicated return-to-work specialists
- Monthly reports outlining claim type, costs and plan moving forward
Savings to You
- Long-term savings with reduced rates/premium
- Retro refunds averaging 39% over the last 3 years
- DOSH citation assistance
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