Return to Work Pays More in 2025!

Return to Work (RTW) – Know the Benefits

“How can I reduce my workers’ compensation costs in Washington” is one of the most frequently asked questions we get from employers. One of the best strategies to reduce costs is to return injured employees to work as soon as possible, which helps reduce or eliminate Labor and Industries paying time loss on claims. We focus so much on reducing time loss because it is one of the most expensive components of a claim and taking control of time loss has many benefits including:

  • Protecting rates
  • Closing claims faster
  • Limiting kept-on-salary expenses
  • Better outcomes for injured workers

Protect yourself by making sure that your RTW efforts include both legal protection—by using a reasonably continuous job offer letter—and the correct documentation for a SAW reimbursement. ERNwest is here to help. Contact us today if you would like more information.

SAW Reimbursements – Get Paid for RTW

Did you know a portion of your workers’ compensation premiums are used to pay for the Stay at Work (SAW) program? SAW is a financial program administered by Labor and Industries that incentivizes employers to bring their injured workers back to modified-duty or transitional work as soon as possible.

If you have brought an employee back to modified duty, you could be eligible for SAW reimbursements through Labor and Industries. They pay 50% of base wages, up to 120 days or $25,000*, and reimburse for necessary tools, equipment and training.

For additional help, ERNwest provides a service for our employers that helps coordinate the necessary paperwork and complete the necessary forms for L&I. Go to for the details.

*For injuries on or after Jan 1, 2025, L&I reimburses base wages for up to 120 workdays or $25,000 per claim. Claims prior to that are reimbursed for base wages up to 66 workdays or $10,000 per claim.

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