ERNwest Blog


The Check is in the Mail!

Within the next month your Retro group will be distributing refund checks. Will yours be as large as it could be? A significant portion of ...
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Heat-Related Illnesses

Overview Heat and humidity can cause several different types of heat-related illnesses such as heat cramps, heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Knowing the signs and ...
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Retro Refund Checks are Coming Soon!

Over the next couple of months trade associations will start sending Retro refund checks to their members. How much your company receives is largely based ...
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Preventing Cuts and Puncture Wounds

Helpful tips for reducing your risk of injury at work Knives and scissors are not the only cut hazards in the workplace. From paper cutters ...
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Safe Lifting Techniques

Lifting is a common activity in the workplace, and it is often forgotten that there are proper techniques that need to be followed to avoid ...
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L&I Will Calculate Your 2023 Rates Soon!

Every year on June 1, the Department of Labor and Industries (L&I) takes a snapshot of your workers’ compensation claim expenses to establish your unique ...
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