Helping companies save money and navigate
Washington workers’ compensation since 1996.

Save Time
Our workers compensation experts save you time when dealing with L&I by managing claims effectively on your behalf.

Save Money
We help implement and manage proven strategies that save you money year after year.

Ease Frustration
We speak your language and ease frustration by translating L&I’s complex system into understandable and practical action plans.
A Trusted Partner
Answers when time is pressing.
Help when it is most needed.
Expertise when it is crucial.
ERNwest is the largest and most knowledgeable TPA in Washington and help employers in all industries who pay premium to Labor and Industries. We have experts on your side, working to help your company save time, save money and ease frustration.
Please reach out to us today for a no-obligation consultation on your workers’ compensation account.
Have questions or are not sure of your next steps?
Set up a Consultation today and one of our experts will get back to you!

Great information and connected me to the specific people that could answer nuanced questions about the impact of our decisions and actions with ongoing claims.